Getting Your Home & Heater Ready for Winter

Getting Your Heater Ready for Winter

While we might still be having scorching hot days and running our AC units, it’s time to start thinking about turning on those heaters. Winter can be brutal in Kansas, so you want to ensure your heater is ready to go before it gets too cold. The last thing you want is to turn up your thermostat to realize that your heater is on the fritz. We want to ensure you and your family stay warm during the winter season. Here are some tips for making sure your furnace is ready to go for the winter.

1. Replace your filter. This should be done regularly, but if you haven’t changed it in a while, now is a great time to change your filter. Your HVAC filter collects dust, dirt, allergens, dander, and more, so by the end of each season it can become clogged and congested and won’t filter the air as well as it should.

2. Remove nearby objects from your furnace. If your furnace is located in a room you use for storage, make sure all boxes, furniture, storage containers, and other objects are moved away from the unit so you decrease the risk of fire.

3. Clean your vents and pipes. Make sure you don’t have rugs, furniture, or other items covering your vents. It’s also a good idea to dust the vents or registers throughout your home to clear away any build-up that could get in your air. You also want to check that all of your vents are opened all the way.

4. Cover up your condenser. As you get ready to turn off your AC it’s a good idea to cover up your outside unit. This will keep ice from collecting inside your unit, and prevent damage from hail, branches, debris, and more. If you have a heat pump you do not need to cover it, since that is different from a normal HVAC system.

5. Test your heater. It’s a good idea to turn on your heater and test it so you know if it’s working properly. Turn your thermostat to heat and wait for a minute until you hear the unit click on. Once you hear the click, check your vents and see if the circulated air is warm. You’ll want to let it run for a few minutes to make sure your unit is ready to go. If your heater isn’t working, call Wichita Heating & Air today. We’ll come out and do a free inspection.

6. Don’t forget maintenance. Before you switch from AC to heat, it’s a good idea to schedule a maintenance appointment with a professional HVAC company. Wichita Heating & Air is happy to come out and ensure your heater is ready to take on the bitter cold winter we have in Kansas.

When you test your furnace if you smell an unusual odor (the burning smell is okay. That’s just the dust that was collected on the heater components) like gas, oil, or an electrical odor or musty odor coming from the furnace you will need to check it out. It might be as simple as your air filter needing to be replaced, or as serious as a gas leak. If you hear high-pitched noises coming from your air vents it could mean there is an issue with the return air. If your furnace isn’t heating or doesn’t turn off when your home reaches the temperature it’s set to, these indicate problems. Don’t let the freezing cold be an issue this winter! If you have any of these issues, give us a call and we’ll come inspect your heater.